
Handling | Cefla Finishing TR TB LETTER-BOX TransflipUnit

Focus On


The handling of the pieces performed between machines limits the movement of the panels to a minimum, thereby facilitating their handling on the scale of complete lines.  


The systems suggested by Cefla Finishing allow:

  • The handling, the movement, the turn-over and the storing of the work pieces according to the preset finishing cycles
  • The optimization of the working cycle times, thereby increasing productivity
  • The easy control of the productive line-flow
  • The in-line-execution of manual retouching operations


01 Automatic loader/unloader

Using automatic handling solutions to load/unload differently sized panels lets manufacturers increase the overall performance of the line and adapt productivity to the speed of the machines, which will always be fed correctly. This reduces the need for line workers, freeing them up to perform other key tasks.

02 Letter box
Consisting of a conveyor belt and adjustable containment cells, this unit optimises line workloads. Line feed (after the letter box has been loaded by the worker) is automatic, giving workers more time to perform other tasks.
03 Roller and belt conveyors
A complete range of belt and roller conveyors to meet every possible production need. All conveyors feature their own electrical panel.
04 Transfer units

The transfer units (90 or 180°) are designed to perform transverse handling of the workpieces. They work by diverting line flow rightwards or leftwards, transferring the material back towards the loading area by creating a U-track as per customer requirements. These units are useful for solving any lay-out or space issues.

05 Turnover unit
The rotary turnover unit lets manufacturers flip the products on the line. This allows, for example, coating of both sides of the workpiece, or the application of a certain storage logic for unloading purposes. On highly automated lines, users can process both sides simply by enabling or disabling the turnover unit and feeding the material back into the line for the next step.
06 Belt-driven, alternating, transfer turnover unit

The belt-driven, alternating, transfer turnover unit combines the specific function of the transfer unit with the need to paint both sides of the pieces, thereby optimising space and managing the number of coats needed to obtain an excellent finished product.


Fibre Cement
Mineral Fibre
