Cooling Tunnel for Flat Glass Panels | Cefla Finishing Cefla Finishing_Glass Oven + Glass Cool_09-2021_001 Cefla Finishing_Glass Oven + Glass Cool_09-2021_005

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Glasscool subdivides and controls the laminar air flows to cool the glass panels gradually, without modifying the internal structure or tension of the glass.


The Glasscool cooling tunnel completes the paint drying process by cooling the glass panels leaving the drying oven, enabling their handling.
Cooling is by means of high-speed laminar air flows acting on both the top and undersides of the glass panels in transit.
Glasscool allows subdivision of the ventilation sectors for gradual cooling of the glass panels.


  • High efficiency laminar air flow
  • Subdivision of ventilation sectors: gradual cooling of panels
  • Energy saving



