What does profile-wrapping mean? Profile wrapping is a process by which a decorative surface is laminated onto a substrate in linear form. This is ...
How many people know the difference between Wrapping and Lamination?
Wrapping is the process of lining a shaped profile with different materials, where required on the top, bottom, left and right sides of a piece. ...
Basic Course in profile wrapping
What’s so special about profile wrapping? Profile wrapping is not only a relatively economic process, it also allows for high output and enables you ...
If every profile in the world needed just 5 minutes set-up time for wrapping…
Our experience led us to appreciate that manufacturers of doors, kitchens, furniture and wooden profiles all need a highly flexible system capable of ...
Have you got a few minutes for this?
Every time you watch RoboWrap getting ready for the next job, you wonder if someone hired a choreographer to define the automated set-up sequence. ...
Which is the best way to wrap #drawers?
Our #profilewrapping brand düspohl Maschinenbau GmbH has developed productivity increasing solutions for both vertical and horizontal wrapping of ...