When using 100% UV lacquers, there is absolutely no way to avoid the stage where crosslinking takes place under UV lamps. And that process depends on ...
Drying different sized pieces in a vertical oven without compromising production efficiency Everyone knows how efficient drying is inside a FIFO oven ...
Omnidry with Flexpro function. Innovation and experience.
Size doesn’t matter. Omnidry, the new vertical oven with Flexpro (patented), manages different sizes and shapes at the same time. OMNIDRY, the final ...
FLEXPRO: Patented flexibility, productivity and automation from a one-stop high-performance feature
Patented flexibility, productivity and automation from a one-stop high-performance feature. The name's FLEXPRO and it means flexibility, operational ...
Excimer matting technology. The key number is 3
3 axes: X, Y and Z. 3D objects including raised panels. 3 patent pending technologies. Once upon a time excimer matting technology was restricted to ...
Excimer matting technology
Incorporating three patent pending technologies, Exydry-Z from Cefla Finishing pioneered the use of excimer matting technology to achieve a "soft ...