Have you ever worried all day long whether you locked your car?
Something like this may happen once or twice. Park your car, walk away and when you suddenly start to doubt, you are so far away there’s nothing you ...
How to solve some problem thanks to digitization
Transforming digital solutions into tangible benefits is my job We may not ring the doorbell 9 minutes and 37 seconds after you call us, but UBIQUO ...
cTracker and the gift of ubiquity
An integrated finishing line needs to be managed in an integrated way to make it as efficient as possible. This is one of the reasons we developed ...
Have you ever considered the advantages of tracking productivity real time and intervening immediately to enhance your output?
Another tool for the smartest of factories is cTracker, which is designed to monitor your production, collect and analyze data instantly providing ...
How can I obtain remote assistance right now?
"How can I obtain remote assistance right now? And how do I know if my production process is working well?" These are just some of the most ...
UBIQUO service opportunities
What’s the advantage of having masses of data at your disposal if you can only implement a negligible amount of actions using those data? Data for ...