Your company has been performing surface finishing for producers of furniture components, the automotive industry or manufacturers of windows and doors, and you’ve been doing it for years.
Today you need to become more efficient, more flexible and ultimately more competitive? Probably your future prospects depend on that.
➀ Productivity is all about handling whatever the market wants in the quantities it demands. You can increase flexibility by integrating an oven which accepts totally different shapes and sizes one after the other without stopping
➁ Flexibility also means being able to coat different pieces simultaneously in the same machine using a Cartesian robot
➂ Transfer efficiency is a key issue. Our experience and our technologies enable us to find the best solution, leading to potentially huge annual savings in terms of lacquer consumption.
Here, a new concept of elliptical sprayer, Elispray, which combines extremely high work rates with high quality transfer efficiency, comes into play.
➃ Product differentiation. How does your product differ compared to that of the competition? The answer, in this sense, has much to do with the integration of digital printing technologies with relief effects on the coating line, allowing for uniqueness and personalisation that - thanks to flexible, competitive processes - can respond quickly to market trends.
➄ Training. Having trained staff is certainly a key strength for a company that aims to be competitive on the market. In this regard, the Italian Finishing School provides essential support by teaching a combination of coating theory and coating practice.
LAB Application Manager
Test specialist and Coordinator of the Cefla Finishing HQ LAB