Patented flexibility, productivity and automation from a one-stop high-performance feature.
The name's FLEXPRO and it means flexibility, operational versatility and high productivity for your coating line.
Over 50 years of industry-specific expertise in the field of vertical oven designing have resulted in taking a further step forward thanks to the patented FLEXPRO function, available in the Omnidry range. Flexpro ensures automatic management of loading thickness variability according to the dimensions of the workpieces and to logistical needs.
FLEXPRO, which has just been granted a US patent, after having been patented in Europe, is the ideal compromise between productivity and flexibility. Its uniqueness lies precisely in the fully automatic adjustment of loading thickness, which is made possible by direct interaction between the coating machine and the oven in terms of types of incoming pieces. For this reason, FLEXPRO is able to manage the entire cycle without requiring any operator action and without ever stopping production.
This patent is also the result of a solid, successful approach to process innovation by Cefla Finishing. FLEXPRO is the product of structured brainstorming among professionals in our various business areas, who analyse internal and external inputs (from the market and from our customers) and turn them into innovative ideas.
Congratulations to the inventors: Massimo Dovadola, Cristian Giovannini, Luigi Franzoni
Contact us and discuss your needs with a finishing expert.